Page 11 - BGU0620804432-001 BMW i Wallbox SP Brochure PT
P. 11


                    ON THE BMW i WALLBOX.

             “Can the Wallbox
                                      Essentially yes. The Wallbox is simple and quick to connect when the installation has been
             be connected to
                                     prepared. If necessary, the BMW i Installation Service electrician can optimise the charge
            any building power
                                    capacity of the Wallbox to allow adaptations to the power supply of the building.

             “Do I need high-
            voltage electricity to    No. The Wallbox can be connected to high-voltage electricity, e.g. AC 400 V / 3-phase
                                     however connection to AC 230 V / 1-phase is also possible.
           install the Wallbox?”

            “Where can I install      The Wallbox can essentially be installed on any flat surface (garage, wall, pillar) both
           the Wallbox?”              indoors and outdoors.

                                       All BMW i Wallboxes are subject to a 3 year warranty from the date of first installation.
             “What happens            The expert BMW i Installation Service identifies and eliminates faults on site. If necessary,
             if the Wallbox is       a replacement will be offered right away. Until the fault has been eliminated, you can simply
           defective?”              charge your car at a regular socket using the standard charging cable – allowing you to
                                   stay mobile.

                                       When using the BMW i Wallbox at your property, the lithium-ion high voltage
                                      battery can be charged (0 – 80%)¹ approximately as follows:
                                       BMW i3                                 <5hrs
               "How long does
                                      BMW i8                                <2hrs
              it take to charge
             my vehicle?"            BMW 225xe / BMW 330e                 <2.4hrs
                                     BMW 530e / BMW X5 xDrive40e        <2.6hrs
                                    BMW 740e / BMW 745e               <2.9hrs
                                  ¹ Dependent on the local electricity infrastructure. Based on single-phase supply current of max 32A.

               “I have an on/off
              peak electricity       With BMW Charging Management ‘Tariff optimised charging’ is possible. Simply set
             tariff – can I charge   a preferred charging time window within the My BMW App or directly within the vehicle
            my car preferably       settings. The car will then preferentially charge within this time window – provided the
            within the cheaper     window allows enough time to reach the target State Of Charge (SOC).
           off peak periods?”

             “How can I protect
                                     The Wallbox can be protected from unauthorised use by means of the
             my Wallbox from
                                    supplied RFID cards.
            unauthorised use?”

              “I have a Smart         The Wallbox supports integration with Loxone and MyGekko Smart Home systems.
             Home system,            However, the range of functions available is dependent on the Smart Home
            can I integrate         system installed*.
            with my Wallbox?”       *Compatibility and survey dependent, additional costs may apply.

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